Aloe thraskii 70 litre
Aloe thraskii 70 litre
Dune Aloe
Regular price
R 2,400.00 ZAR
Regular price
Sale price
R 2,400.00 ZAR
Unit price
The Dune Aloe is a single stemmed plant that grows to approximately 2-3 metres in height that produces stems of large yellow flowers in autumn and early winter. It's perfectly at home in coastal gardens or in any position where it's destined to encounter its fair share of neglect. They make for excellent focal plants both in the ground or in a large pot.
For more care information please click here
Planting instructions for:
Aloe thraskii 70 litre
Please refer below for general care instructions. If you require assistance or would like us to plant for you please contact us.
Care instructions
Pests & Disease