Taking care of your

Colourful plants

Colorful plants can add a vibrant and eye-catching element to any garden or landscape design. We appreciate the diversity of colors and forms that these plants offer and enjoy finding new and creative ways to incorporate them into my designs.

Here some general instructions on taking care of your Colourful plants:

  • Consider the season:

    Different plants bloom in different seasons, so choose plants that will bloom during the time of year when you want your garden to be most colorful.

  • Choose a colour scheme:

    Consider choosing plants that have colours that complement each other, such as red and orange, or purple and pink.

  • Select plants with different heights and textures:

    Varying the height and texture of your plants can add depth and interest to your garden.

  • Ensure appropriate lighting and water:

    Be sure to select plants that are appropriate for the lighting conditions and water availability in your garden. Some colourful plants like full sun while others prefer shade.

  • Regularly maintain your plants

    Regular maintenance such as pruning, fertilizing, and watering can help your plants stay healthy and vibrant.

  • Just like you, we're plant lovers too

  • Our homegrown plants get
    utmost care and attention

  • We bring you plant care guide by gardening experts

  • We ensure quick delivery,
    and hassle-free replacement