Taking care of your

Coastal plants

Coastal plants are an excellent choice for gardeners living near the ocean or in other coastal areas. By selecting plants that are well-suited to the unique conditions found in these environments, you can create a beautiful and functional landscape. We recommend doing research and planning before planting coastal plants to ensure they are placed in the right location and have the proper soil and water conditions.

Here some general instructions on taking care of your Coastal plants:

  • Choose salt-tolerant plants:

    Plants that are salt-tolerant can thrive in coastal environments. Some great options include beach grass, sea oats, yucca, and succulents like agave and aloe.

  • Select plants for sandy soil:

    Sandy soil is common near the coast, and plants that can tolerate it include cacti, succulents, and some shrubs like beach rose and bayberry.

  • Consider wind resistance:

    Coastal areas can be windy, so choose plants that can tolerate strong winds. Some good options include juniper, yew, and arborvitae.

  • Water regularly:

    Despite the proximity to the ocean, many coastal areas can be dry. Be sure to water your plants regularly, especially during hot and dry weather.

  • Provide shade:

    While many coastal plants love sunlight, it's important to provide some shade during the hottest part of the day. Use shade cloth or plant your coastal plants near taller trees or structures.

  • Watch for pests and diseases:

    Coastal environments can be prone to certain pests and diseases, so keep an eye out for problems and treat them promptly.

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