Apricot - Bulida 70 litre
Apricot - Bulida 70 litre
Apricot trees require full sun and well draining but rich soil. Ensure when planting your tree to select a position where the tree will receive full sun and that the planting hole is at least twice the size of the plant bag. Trees are best planted during the winter months when they're dormant. Feed with an organic balanced fertilizer at regular intervals during the growing season. Bulida, is an apricot variety that perfect for canning, it has a mild apricot flavour and is very juicy and sweet.
For more care information please click here
Planting instructions for:
Apricot - Bulida 70 litre
Please refer below for general care instructions. If you require assistance or would like us to plant for you please contact us.
Care instructions
Pests & Disease