Betula pendula alba 70 litre
Betula pendula alba 70 litre
Silver Birch
The silver birch is an attractive, decidous small tree that provides year round interest with it's changing leaf colour from silvery-green in the warmer months to a golden yellow in autumn. But the most showy aspect of the plant has to be the silver bark that looks even more prominent in winter once all the leaves have fallen. this tree grows to approximately 4-6 metres and does best planted in a semi-shade position. They look amazing planted in clusters to give a natural woodland effect or as a specimen in a large pot or wine barrel.
For more care information please click here
Planting instructions for:
Betula pendula alba 70 litre
Please refer below for general care instructions. If you require assistance or would like us to plant for you please contact us.
Care instructions
Pests & Disease