Caesalpinia ferrea - 70 litre
Caesalpinia ferrea - 70 litre
Commonly known as the Leopard tree for its beautiful mottled bark. This is an attractive deciduous tree that resembles an Acacia but without the thorns. In the Western Cape they tend to grow a lot smaller than in the summer rainfall regions of our country. This makes them ideal as pot specimens or plant them in groups to give a woodlands effect. in addition the light shade that it casts makes it ideal for growing lawn underneath. Plant in semi-shade in compost enriched soil and keep well watered during the summer months, particularly if planted in pots.
For more care information please click here
Planting instructions for:
Caesalpinia ferrea - 70 litre
Please refer below for general care instructions. If you require assistance or would like us to plant for you please contact us.
Care instructions
Pests & Disease